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Duxbury Braille Translator

What is Duxbury Braille Translator (DBT)?

  • DBT is a braille translation software that converts inkprint (normal text) into braille or braille into inkprint. Usually the inkprint is in a word processor file or at an URL and they can be translated into braille by using this software. The braille could be sent to a braille embosser to produce physical braille or to an electronic notetaker.
  • Another circumstance is that someone has braille in an electronic braille notetaker that they want to produced in inkprint to be shared with someone who does not read braille.
  • DBT is known for its easy of use and accurate translation, and is the world-wide leader for text (print) to Braille translations, Braille editing, formatting, production, publishing and related tasks. 
  •  A braille translator can run on a smartphone, personal computer, network server, or (historically) larger mini-computers or mainframes of larger institutions.

Search these websites for further information


Watch this video.

a) From the video, explain in detail the steps on how to use the DBT. Upload it to 

b) Choose a suitable reading material for standard six pupils and translate them to braille by using DBT. Save in PDF and upload to